Now serving all of the United States
All of our informational paternity tests start at $199. The pricing varies depending on how many people you want to test, and what samples you would like to submit for testing. Please visit our order form by tapping or clicking here and enter your selections for specific pricing information.
Assuming you’re submitting viable samples, the accuracy is over 99.999%
If you’re wanting to submit cheek swabs, we mail you a kit. The kit will contain step-by-step instructions for the sample collection, and a prepaid shipping label to return your samples to us. Each kit ships with 2-day shipping and overnight return shipping. You’re going to receive tracking numbers as well.
For cases where you want to use discrete samples for both parties – we simply email you a shipping label and instructions on how to collect and submit your sample to us.
If you submit a cheek swab (provided by us), you will receive your results within 3 business days. If you submit other samples, you will receive results in 6-7 business days.
USA DNA Testing is a subsidiary of Florida DNA Testing. We are headquartered and started in Florida, but we’re serving the entire United States.
You can search ‘Florida DNA Testing’ and find plenty of positive testimonials regarding our services.
Our paternity testing with hair, fingernails, or a toothbrush offers a discrete and private option for establishing paternity. The standard approach for collecting DNA samples for a DNA test is to apply a mouth swab on the inside of the donor’s cheek to gather buccal (cheek) cells. However, this might raise some questions.
Hence, it’s much easier to collect (and replace) a used toothbrush, clip fingernails, or even collect hair without causing suspicion. A toothbrush, hair, or fingernail clipping DNA test is more appropriate for children and younger donors since they are not made aware that one is being done. Simply submit their current used toothbrush, and you’re good to go. Another advantage of toothbrush DNA testing is the ability to obtain a DNA profile from a deceased individual.
When it comes to determining whether a male is the true biological father of another individual, DNA paternity tests are highly accurate. Both blood tests and cheek swabs are common methods of collecting DNA for a paternity test. However, if you’re looking for something more discrete, you can try paternity testing with your choice of a discrete sample.